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Course Expectations

                            OCCUPATIONAL CHILDCARE



The program is designed to prepare students to enter a number of fields related to the care and guidance of children or to prepare them to continue their education in elementary or special education, physical or recreational therapy, and social work.  This program includes instruction in the planning and supervision of developmentally appropriate activities for children.  Other areas of study include safety practices, first aid, human growth and development, community and social problems, basic psychology, nutrition, special needs, program management and professionalism.  Students will receive 600 hours of training required by Department of Public Welfare to be an assistant group supervisor in a day care center.



            -TeacherAssistant, School*                                        -SocialWorker*

            -Assistant Group Supervisor                                       - Director of a Child Care Center*

            -GroupSupervisor*                                                     -Therapist(speech, occupational or physical)*

            -Special Needs Teacher*                                             -Recreation director*

-Special Needs Assistant                                            -Children’s librarian*

            -Elementary Teacher*                                                  -Licensing Specialist*           

*Requires additional training                                                  -Nanny/AuPair




            Smock($20) Clearances: (151) State Police ($10) (134) Child Abuse ($10)

            FCCLA($18) Dues - Optional



            Starting minimum wage up to $11/hour and beyond with additional education and experience.



Physical Skills:  Be able to lift approximately 50 pounds and bend at the knees and waist without difficulty. Exhibit physical skills such as walking, standing, lifting, climbing,carrying, and bending; and possess good vision, speech, fine motor skills,energy and physical stamina.

Math Skills:  Basic Math Skills – fractions, percent, proportion, measurement and make change.

Practical application of fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions, measurements, and practical algebra,

business math: interestrates, graphs, deductions, pay forms, measurements, percentage, fractions,proportions, etc.  If pursuing a four-year college degree, algebra I, II and geometry are necessary.

Language/English Skills:  This is very important because these skills are evident every day in communications with children, parents, and co-workers.  Good grammar, spelling and good research skills are needed.  Read newspapers, periodicals, journals, manuals, dictionaries, and encyclopedias.  Prepare business letters, summaries, and reports, using a prescribed format.

Science Skills:  Basic scientific concepts and biology or applied biology/chemistry.  If pursuing a four-year college degree, recommend biology and chemistry.

Computer Skills:  Be able to use the computer to perform basic data processing, spreadsheet, internet for research and operate trade related software at the application level.

Interpersonal Skills:  Emotional stability, sense of humor,self-control, and flexibility.



Two-year technical degree study in a wide variety of human service fields.  Four-year professional degree in teaching and other human service fields. Entrepreneurship opportunities exist by operating a licensed day care facility.

Dual Enrollment Classes in Early Childhood Education


Penn College NOW is a program which allows students to take college classes while in high school. The courses are taught at the career and technology center by Penn College approved high school instructors. To enroll in a Penn college NOW course, you must have passed the most recent PSSA test at the “proficient” or “Advanced” level. If you do not meet this requirement, contact your school’s point of contact.

Generally, 11th and 12th grade students are eligible to participate in the program. Recommended High School Subjects: three years of English and at least one year of child development.



Child Development



Overview of typical growth and development of young children from birth age eight. Cognitive, language, physical growth, gross and fine motor, emotional and social development milestones are the focus of this course, with a special emphasis on the implications they have for the care and education of young children. Other topics include an introduction to the basic concepts of major development theories; principals of learning and development; and developmentally appropriate practice. A strong focus on a family-centered approach is integrated throughout the course. 3 Credits (3 Lecture – 0 Lab)

This class will be offered at the NCCTC Monday through Friday from 1:00 – 2:30 during the first and second marking periods. Live lab occurs on Wednesday throughout the session.



Health, Safety, and Nutrition for Early Childhood



Study of the specific health and hygiene concerns of early childhood. Discussion includes common childhood diseases, chronic illnesses, disorders, and conditions, with emphasis on identification and management within an early childhood setting. Additional topics include assisting young children in the development of personal hygiene, safety skills,and nutrition education. State licensing regulations and community service agencies in health, safety, and nutrition will be examined. 3 Credits (3Lecture – 0 Lab)

Prerequisite(s): EDU100.